Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Game Is Coming Back!!

Hello World,

I'm pretty sure you are familiar with the show called "The Game" starring with the main characters Melanie, Derwin, Jason, Kelly, Tasha, and Malik. If you are not, the show first started on CW around the same time Everybody Hates Chris did way before it came on BET. It tells how the rookie Derwin Davis has been signed to the San Diego Sabers along with his girlfriend Melanie moving to San Diego and living the football lifestyle. Melanie also joined with the wives and girlfriends of the football players called The Sunbeams meeting Kelly and Tasha. It started off a little rocky but they became close friends. There has been a few problems along the way between Melanie and Derwin leading to a break up between the two because Derwin cheated. Melanie end up staying with Tasha since she was living with Derwin and end up sleeping with Derwin's rival and almost Malik!! Tasha wasn't having it and moved her out causing Melanie to live with Derwin's formal image consultant, Deon. Since she got a local job to pay for certain things she end up meeting a nice guy named Jerome. During a party Malik was having he introduced Derwin to his homegirl Janay. Jason was using steroids to step up his game since he was getting older which caused problems with Kelly to filing for a divorce because the family was tearing apart. Derwin broke his leg one game and was out for the rest of the season but the Sabers end winning the championships. Malik ended up getting together with Robin Givens and falling in love with her. She stayed in San Diego for a few then left and went to California. Janay and Derwin broke up because Derwin was still in love with Melanie. After that Derwin and Malik gotten together and was drinking giving them the idea to go to California to get their women (Melanie & Robin) back having Melanie leaving Jerome. During all this Tasha and Rick Fox who worked at the sport agency with her gotten together because he had strong feelings for her. Malik end up having a fake marriage with Robin which eventually ended because Malik didn't like the fact he couldn't live the life he use too. Melanie and Derwin broke up again because Derwin found out about Melanie was having relations with her head doctor on the side. Derwin soon gotten back together with Janay. Tasha and Rick end up breaking up because Tasha thought Rick was trying to take her place in her job when really their boss was planning to fire Tasha anyway. Tasha who was mad at Kelly for not quitting the job after being fired hooked up Jason and Camille (Stacy Dash) who was a sport anchor. Kelly end up with some guys causing trouble for Jason who was just protecting his family because he end up getting arrested. Derwin and Janay end up splitting up for the same reason they did last time leading Meanie and Derwin to getting married. Leaving the season after that questions flew what happened to the baby, what happen with Tasha and Rick, what happen with Kelly and Jason, Is Kelly and Tasha cool still?? Well now the question is going to be answered with a new season on BET January 11th, 2011. Stay tuned and see what happens.

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