Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Teenage Fathers

Hello World,

This one topic I been thinking about lately might help those who are becoming one teenage fathers. Well in my first topic I started on my blog I was telling yall about my son Ricky and how he is two years old. When he first came in the world, it was a great feeling, holding my son while he sleep peacefully and quietly. Since I had Ricky at 16 he stayed at his mother's house. When he first came over my house he was good..all he did was eat, sleep, pee or poop, Ricky wasn't much of the crying type. But when it was time to sleep..whoooo wee did he cry and I tried EVERYTHING to get him to be quiet but he just kept crying. I was so tired I just didn't know what to do but Ma Dukes got him to be quiet. Every time he came over and it was time to sleep he would cry but I would just rock him and walk back and forth around my room which made him go to sleep. That is my technique if you want to get your newborn quiet. After you get through that things come easy for the newborn. The more he grown the more it was fun playing with him. I would teach him certain stuff like opening doors, how to wash himself, teaching him how to feed himself etc. It makes me feel good teaching him stuff so he can take it along the way because I want him to grow up, live his life, and know how to handle situations and avoid situations that I been in. Right now he is in the process of potty training and learning how to say words, its a little task but I know he can do it. All you need to do to raise a child is to have patience, to be there, and do what you need to do as a parent then things will run smoothly. As I been in college my Ma Dukes been helping me out but when I come home I try to see him much as possible have fun with him and enjoy his company. It could be hard at times but stick through with it and be there for your child.

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