Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Ricky Taylor III (11/08/08)

Hello World,

This is my first blog and coincidentally it is made on my son, Ricky Isiyah Taylor's birthday aka my "lil mane" I met his mother when I attended Dunwoody High school. I was in the 10th grade and she was in the 11th. I found out she was pregnant with him when I was 15 years old and he came into the world when I was 16. I always wished for a boy so I can do father duties to teach him how to become a man and how to survive in this world. Have that father/son time with. And its much easier cause if he has a problem majority of the times I can relate to it or needing to learn some I can teach him.. He was born on November 8th 2008 and it has been the greatest since he been in this world. It was a little rough when he first came but the more he grew the more I can see my inner self inside of him. He is silly, smart, has gorgeous eyes, and is the best son I can ask for. I love him with all my heart and he means sooo much to me. Happy Birthday Lil mane!!!

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