Monday, November 8, 2010

Relationships . . .

Relationships...everybody been in and out of one. Most females are looking for that guy to make them happy and that can treat them right. Females enjoy having a guy that can treat them right and well, not have time for games, and going out there messing with other females but they know they're in a relationship. Certain females end up disliking relationships for a few reasons: The location they're in and the guys are the same, the guy end up cheating, leaving for no apparent reason, or it just didn't work out. Then they go out and blame all the other males as if we all are the same but we're not. There is good fellas out there, unless you explored the world and went with every guy don't go comparing your future guy with your past guy. I been with my girlfriend Julia Fordyce since January 26th, 2010. I treat her right, I do right by her, and just getting to know her over the 9 months made me really see how she is and how great of a person she is. I fell in love with her also. Sometimes its not the guys fault either. Females usually go for the wrong ones and ignore the right ones and just want to be friends with them, but when they finally realized how good that guy is he usually isn't going to be there or moved on. If you want a nice relationship choose wisely and just don't just settle for anyone. Give that right one a chance because you will never know if that relationship is the relationship you're seeking for.

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